
Author Archives: Tony

The impact of social isolation and loneliness on your mental health

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) says "social isolation and loneliness have a detrimental effect on health and well-being". 

Some consider loneliness a primary emotion, on a par with fear and anger. For millions of years, survival relied on being part of a gathering; being isolated from your community was dangerous. 

But now, a fear of loneliness can keep us in a toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs, or destructive marriages.

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What Is Idolatry?

Idolatry is obsessive and unrealistic worship, devo­tion or love directed at another person, who has then been termed an idol.  The obsessed person is the idolater, and invari­ably has a false mental perception of who or what the idol represents.

Idolatry is sometimes called idol worship, and the people who worship idols can be called idolaters.

The idol may be some­one who the idolater knows, such as a school friend or teacher; or, as is frequently the case with teenagers, a public figure such as a pop music star, film star or sports personality.  When idolatry occurs in adults, it is often at the beginning of a new relation­ship, when individuals may be unaware of their partner's faults and may even try to avoid discovering them.

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What Are The Benefits Of Meditation 

Many people are fatigued in today’s stressed out, distracted society and find life in the rat race frustrating. Few of us know what it feels like to slow down and be deliberate about actions and thoughts. Meditation can help you regain control in your out-of-control world.

Physical health is intertwined with mental health in a bidirectional fashion. Scientific evidence shows that changes in thinking patterns and behaviours affect neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Contrarily, disruption in these biological systems negatively impacts on your mental health.

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Pleased to meet you?

Why Do We Become People Pleasers?

Merriam-Webster defines a people pleaser, as “a person who has an emotional need to please others, often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires.”

People-pleasing is a state of mind where individuals convince themselves that pleasing others is much more important than their own happiness.

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Emotionally charming

Charming is defined as being pleasant, polite, friendly, and likeable. The most important part of that definition is "likeable." Being more likeable can make a significant difference in many areas of your life. Your relationships, business, career, and social life can all improve if you turn on the charm. If you want to learn more about becoming more charming, then check out these nine tips.

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Monday Blues

If there is one thing we can all agree on, Mondays are the worst! Right? Well, what if that didn't have to be the case?  What if we could take a few easy steps and change our Monday's mindset, so they weren't that bad?

The following report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away.  It also includes a list of suggested readings for those looking for even more information to beat those blues.

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Getting The Most Out of Therapy

Therapy offers you the opportunity to work through challenging issues by promoting self-esteem, relationships, and outlook on life through self-awareness and self-exploration. Choosing to work with a therapist is spirited and will supply you with many options for handling your problems.

If issues from the past are not dealt with, they can linger, fester, and adversely impact your day-to-day life. Overcoming past trauma is not always easy, but it’s something that you can do when you work with a therapist. 

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Becoming Emotionally Healthy

Protecting and nurturing your emotional health is just as important as safeguarding your physical well-being. Being emotionally healthy means understanding and regulating your own emotions, while also recognising and empathising with the feelings of others.

You can engage in many habits regularly, some every day and some now and then, that can help you maintain your mental and emotional health.

Here are our favourites:
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Some familiar types of avoidance

If you are one of those who commonly avoid tasks or specific situations, it could be for many reasons. But before you can work on solving or completing a job you’ve been putting off, it’s essential to narrow down what type of avoidance you are using to evade something in your life, so you can know how best to combat it.

 If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “What you resist persists,” you have been introduced to the fundamental reason why your avoidance and how you cope can increase anxiety.

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The art of breathing?

What does mindfulness mean to you?

Like many of us, we have heard about mindfulness. I knew that it implied paying attention, opening our awareness to what is happening now, in the present moment, and accepting it without judging or trying to control it.

Mindfulness is unquestionably linked to breathing, yet we all know how to breathe because it is a natural phenomenon, and you would think it doesn't need the practice anyway?

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