Mental Health

Worried about your mental health?

Lesson 11

See your GP

You might find it hard to talk about how you feel, but every GP has mental health training. They're ready to offer the right support.

What will happen?

Your GP might prescribe medication, offer talking therapy or suggest lifestyle changes. They can also refer you to a specialist team if they think you're affected by a more serious condition.

Make the most of your visit

See if there is a GP in the practice with a mental health interest

Ask for a double appointment if you think you'll need more time

Write down your feelings and symptoms

Write down any questions

Take someone you trust with you

You have the right to see any GP in the practice

If you're away from home and need to see a GP, you can get emergency treatment or register as a temporary resident with one nearby.

See how you can help yourself

There is always treatment and support available from the NHS. But you also have the power to help yourself.

Talk about it

Being open about your mental health may seem scary, but a friend or relative should be happy to listen.

You can also call a support line to talk to a skilled listener, or meet other people at a support group who have similar issues and will understand.

Other things you can do

  1. Exercise or get outdoors, even if it's just for a walk
  2. Breathing exercises
  3. Learning ways to relax, such as meditation
  4. Yoga
  5. Eating healthy foods regularly
  6. Follow a daily routine to give your life more structure
  7. Get enough sleep
  8. Keep a mood diary to be more aware of your symptoms
  9. Do something creative like writing, art or music
  10. Meet people at a local club or society
  11. Volunteering