Tag Archives for " anxiety "

Anxiety on Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you’re having trouble sleeping well or feeling anxious most days, you probably aren’t alone because over 40 million Americans yearly suffer from anxiety disorders. 

Excessive worry has become common for many people today, and it affects their ability to sleep well, perform daily tasks, concentrate, or enjoy social interactions—and that’s not healthy!

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What Are The Benefits Of Meditation 

Many people are fatigued in today’s stressed out, distracted society and find life in the rat race frustrating. Few of us know what it feels like to slow down and be deliberate about actions and thoughts. Meditation can help you regain control in your out-of-control world.

Physical health is intertwined with mental health in a bidirectional fashion. Scientific evidence shows that changes in thinking patterns and behaviours affect neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Contrarily, disruption in these biological systems negatively impacts on your mental health.

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Pleased to meet you?

Why Do We Become People Pleasers?

Merriam-Webster defines a people pleaser, as “a person who has an emotional need to please others, often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires.”

People-pleasing is a state of mind where individuals convince themselves that pleasing others is much more important than their own happiness.

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The art of breathing?

What does mindfulness mean to you?

Like many of us, we have heard about mindfulness. I knew that it implied paying attention, opening our awareness to what is happening now, in the present moment, and accepting it without judging or trying to control it.

Mindfulness is unquestionably linked to breathing, yet we all know how to breathe because it is a natural phenomenon, and you would think it doesn't need the practice anyway?

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Overcome your fear

The first thing you need to understand about fear is that everyone is afraid. Fear is a raw human emotion that has kept us alive for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Without a healthy sense of fear, our ancestors would have been eaten by sabre-toothed tigers or T-rexes straight off the bat.

Fear is what stops you from taking unnecessary risks and getting yourself into serious trouble.

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Living with a mental health problem

If you believe someone you know is displaying a change in behaviour or mood which you feel may be potential red flags of poor mental health/mental illness.  Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. 

But a mental health concern, then becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms affect your ability to function independently.  

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Surviving an anxiety disorder

Everyone worries during their life. When it spurs you to take action to solve problems, worrying can even be helpful. However, if you are preoccupied with worst-case scenarios, and have a chronic case of the “what-if,” worry quickly becomes a problem. Unrelenting fears and anxious thoughts can be paralysing.

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Can Emotional Health Impact on Your Longevity

Have you ever heard of a woman who found out that she had cancer, and instead of succumbing to her unfortunate situation, she spent most of her days watching comedy films? Months later, she was pleasantly surprised to learn that her tumours had gone.

There are many anecdotes about how positivity has turned things around for those who are dealing with health issues, even terminal ones like cancer. Today, many scientific studies are also showing evidence that emotional health can affect a person’s physical health and longevity.

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