Tag Archives for " psychological disorder "

Exhibitionism in Mental Health

What is exhibitionism?

Exhibitionism occurs when a man gives way to an urge to expose his genitals to a female stranger or a person with whom he is not in a close relationship. It is an almost solely male disorder and is one of the most familiar forms of sexual deviation.

In a sexual context, exhibitionism is a sexual kink in which the person feels sexual arousal at the idea or reality of being seen naked or engaged in sexual activities by others,” says clinical sexologist Sarah Melancon, in the Cosmopolitan

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Can Emotional Health Impact on Your Longevity

Have you ever heard of a woman who found out that she had cancer, and instead of succumbing to her unfortunate situation, she spent most of her days watching comedy films? Months later, she was pleasantly surprised to learn that her tumours had gone.

There are many anecdotes about how positivity has turned things around for those who are dealing with health issues, even terminal ones like cancer. Today, many scientific studies are also showing evidence that emotional health can affect a person’s physical health and longevity.

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