Tag Archives for " anxiety "

COVID-19 outbreak.

What Is COVID-19?

The novel coronavirus set in motion a global pandemic that the world is still attempting to understand, treat and grapple with.

The virus is a novel member of the coronavirus family of viruses, long associated with the common cold, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). The virus is believed to have existed in animals before recently mutating and undergoing transmission to humans.

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Depression and Relationships

Logan was a doctoral student studying ancient Italian poetry. His life was filled with shelves of old books and a teaching job where he was supposed to inspire lethargic first-year students.

His doctoral adviser was ambiguous and inconsistent, and Logan was a people-pleaser who worried that his adviser and students were always upset with him.

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Work-related stress

Work-related stress and how to tackle it

Employers have a legal duty to protect employees from stress at work by doing a risk assessment and acting on it. Work related stress is now the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK, musculoskeletal used to be the big one, but that was when we were kind of a manufacturing country but now we're a service knowledge-based economy primarily, and there it's all about people issues so stress is a really major cause.

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Postpartum Depression: “ Not Just Baby Blues”

A Common Condition

A huge 80% of all mothers experience the ‘baby blues’, which classically arrive in the first week after the birth (often on day four!) and are usually dispelled after a few days with plenty of support from your partner, family and friends.

For one in ten new mums, however, ‘the blues’ last longer than two weeks and are often a sign that postnatal depression is developing. Postnatal depression can begin at any time during the first year. It can be experienced by first time mums, mums who already have several children and even fathers – although theirs usually kicks in later, around 3-6 months after the birth. Postnatal depression can also affect women who have had a miscarriage or stillbirth.

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Anxiety vs. Depression

While Depression and Anxiety are two different medical conditions, their symptoms, causes, and treatments can often overlap. Try asking someone to name two common mental health problems, chances are they will think of anxiety and depression. Despite the fact that they are commonly referenced in conversation, people still struggle sometimes to determine the difference between these two conditions. This is because many people with anxiety also develop depression and vice versa.

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Emotional Health: Journal therapy is a wonderful therapeutic tool

What is emotional health? 

A very important part of each of our lives. In fact, if our emotional health is not good, it is not likely that our physical health will be up to par either. 

Emotional health is what helps you to reach your full potential, it enables you to work productively and it also helps you to cope with all the stresses and knocks of life effectively. All the above can’t function properly if your physical health is poor.

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